Friday, December 31, 2010

Jim Thompson Farm

Claire and Sylvie atop Pumpkin Mountain

Last minute, we decided to leave town for the New Year's weekend. We really should remember not to travel on Thai holidays. We thought our first stop was three hours away, but it took us five. It was a beautiful place, however. Jim Thompson was an American who started the Thai Silk Company back in the 50's and revived the cottage Thai silk industry. The company still prospers today, and once a year, they open their farm to the public for a month. There was a pumpkin patch and fields of flowers, traditional Thai houses and culture on display and demonstrations of the silk growing/making process. Claire was fascinated by the silk worms, and we all enjoyed being outside in the cooler weather.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Filipino Party

circled around the dining room for games

We know lots of Filipinos at church who are here working, many away from their families. I asked one of them if they usually all get together on Christmas and offered our place if they needed one. She said they were in the midst of planning something and were looking for a place. It worked out great. They came in the afternoon and did all of the planning, food and clean-up. We just got to sit back and enjoy their traditions and happy spirits.

Christmas morning

Santa came!

I had told the girls to pick out their clothes the night before, because I knew they would be motivated to get dressed themselves. We only made Paul wear Christmas jammies this year, since it is his first Christmas, but footed fleece in Bangkok is really just too cruel. Claire got up quietly and went for a peek before she came and woke us up. She said, "Santa came! He didn't put that much in my stocking, but there are so many presents, and some of them have my name on them!" I tried to recapture the magic of that moment later on video, but I think we'll have to try harder in the future to keep them from sneaking out.

Of course the gifts are exciting, and the girls savored each one. We even got to Skype with both sets of grandparents during the midst of opening their gifts.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus--a doggie in this case

We were invited to Christmas Eve at a friend's house. How great to spend the afternoon with other families and share a meal. We read the Christmas story at the end, and the girls wanted to act out the parts. As the other kids there weren't as enthusiastic, Claire offered to be Joseph, a shepherd and a wise man. Sylvie was so happy to be Mary and had the sweetest face as she rocked baby Jesus.

We spent almost 2 1/2 hours in traffic on the way home, so the kids were exhausted but Santa-hyper, too, that night. They put out reindeer food on the balcony (oats with glitter), sure that theirs would be the first house visited because the reindeer would smell the food. I had to keep reminding them that Santa could see in their window and wouldn't stop unless he saw them asleep. They eventually conked out at around 9:30, and Santa was able to do his work.  

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Embassy Party

Santa arriving in a tuk-tuk

We are currently between ambassadors here, so the DCM (#2 in charge) opened her home for a Christmas party for the kids. It was a very nice morning with crafts, donuts, a visit from Santa and time to chat with lots of parents of other young kids.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Month of Activities

my little helper

December is busy and fun. The girls are excited about everything, and had a week off school (while their preschool's marching band was in Kuala Lumpur!) So, we've filled our days with playdates and outings, crafts and baking. Somehow we forgot to wear aprons for this one.

Here are some of the things we've done:
-made wrapping paper (we have an endless supply of packing paper)
-prepared packages to mail home
-watched the Nutcracker
-made a gingerbread house
-date night at the Stake musical presentation
-decorated old formula cans with pictures of baked goods from magazines to use for the treats we are giving away
-watched Charlie Brown's Christmas (where the girls learned the word "stupid"...great! But, I do have to say they thought Snoopy was hilarious, and I got to enjoy their genuine belly laughs.)
-made snowflakes with friends
-read Christmas books at an English library
-played with friends and nannies while the moms did a cooking exchange
-watched old Christmas specials like the claymation Rudolf at a friends' (and subsequently had nightmares about the abominable snowman)
-got hair cuts and an iced chocolate at a chocolate cafe
-made popcorn balls for the first time (very proud that they turned out since our candy thermometer broke)
-ward Christmas party

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thai-style Christmas

Sumo or Santa?

How to describe how Christmas feels in Thailand? Claire made a telling comment. After school one day, she said, "Guess what? My school knows about Christmas...but they just know about Christmas trees and Santa." And lights, I would add lights. I really need to take a picture of the tree in our lobby so you can get an idea of the trees we see everywhere here. All colors, all tinsel and glitz. We've been trying to counterbalance that with emphasis on the true story and meaning of the season at home but the Santa magic is definitely taking hold this year.

We were invited to a kids' Christmas party where the Thai man dressed up as Santa was wearing an inflatable suit. Suited to the still-in-the-90's weather here I guess, but it just seemed wrong somehow.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Gingerbread House

our humble cottage with a lake of Swedish fish

Everyone had the day off for the King's Birthday, so we decided to attempt a gingerbread house. The girls remembered making one at Grandma Karin's last year, but I knew I wasn't up for that big of a project. Our gingerbread turned out very tasty but a bit heavy (hence, the supports on either side of the roof). We used left-over Halloween candy and a variety of sprinkles for decor, and it turned out just fine. Lots of sampling of scraps.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Farm Chokchai

This is close to Claire's fondest would just be a piglet instead of a calf.

We had heard from friends about a cattle farm in Thailand that you can tour. We've been meaning to take the kids, since they love that kind of thing, especially Claire. Despite a little bit of a long drive, it was a delightful day. The best part for me was that the temperature was about 20 degrees cooler than Bangkok. So refreshing! We also ate delicious steak burgers, drank fresh milk and had ice cream, of course. Since the farm is modeled after a U.S. ranch, they played it up with a cowboy show and a mock-up Western town. They also had a petting zoo with a typical Thai animal show (except no elephants). A fun day for all. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Growing Family

Little does Paul know what is coming...

As some of you know, I'm pregnant again, due on J's birthday: May 22. We all went to the doctor this morning in hopes of learning the gender, and we found out it is a boy! We are so happy that Paul will have a brother. 

Now if it would just cool off in Bangkok for even a month of this pregnancy!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thai Father's Day

Hard to miss Claire!

Father's Day here is celebrated with the King's birthday, so once again, Claire's school put on a big show. Jonathan got to experience it this time. Costume changes, multiple numbers, the whole bit. If you missed my description of the mother's day show, you can read it here.