Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas morning

Santa came!

I had told the girls to pick out their clothes the night before, because I knew they would be motivated to get dressed themselves. We only made Paul wear Christmas jammies this year, since it is his first Christmas, but footed fleece in Bangkok is really just too cruel. Claire got up quietly and went for a peek before she came and woke us up. She said, "Santa came! He didn't put that much in my stocking, but there are so many presents, and some of them have my name on them!" I tried to recapture the magic of that moment later on video, but I think we'll have to try harder in the future to keep them from sneaking out.

Of course the gifts are exciting, and the girls savored each one. We even got to Skype with both sets of grandparents during the midst of opening their gifts.

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