Sunday, April 24, 2011


 Easter this year was one of those times that I realized that I have to make traditions happen if we want them. I can't really count on the Easter Bunny to just show up. We had already been to a mini egg hunt at a playgroup and another big one at the embassy, so for that reason and the hope that our focus will be on the Savior rather than the bunny, I decided to only do Easter baskets. Instead of Easter grass as padding, I used a baggie of Cheerios (since I also knew we wouldn't have time for breakfast before church). They got an Easter pencil, a new book and two or three plastic eggs with candy. They were thrilled, and I'm happy that I didn't set a precedent for myself that might be hard to live up to each year. We would have decorated eggs, but they only sell brown eggs here, and I didn't think they would turn out as well. Next year...

We did make my favorite Easter sugar cookies earlier in the week and took them to the playgroup.

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