Thursday, June 30, 2011

Canada Day

Being the poor North American neighbor that I am, I didn't even know when Canada Day is (July 1), but we got to celebrate it this year. One of J's contacts at the Canadian Embassy invited us to their official event. Got to eat maple-cured ham and try to figure out who was Canadian and who was American (J left no doubt with his shirt-tie combo). 

I was excited to go because it seemed like it would be fun to dress up and go out, but really in the end, I couldn't fit into any of my favorite dresses, I had to borrow jewelry from a neighbor, I lost the heel to my shoe right as we were leaving (but didn't have another shoe option), and the worst part always is that no one can hear me in a crowded room, so I feel like I have to shout and unfortunately, what I'm saying is never worth shouting about (a stay-at-home mom talking to diplomats). Oh well. A night away from the kids is still a night away from the kids. :)

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