Friday, August 13, 2010


 With a Thai holiday on Thursday, Claire and Jonathan both got Friday off, as well.  J was starting to plan another family trip and was asking my opinion of where to go. It all sounded exhausting to me, and I said, "You want to know what would be a real vacation for me?--if you took the girls away for a few days and left me home to work on projects." So, my hero husband did just that. He and the girls (and another family) went to a fairly close beach for two nights. I was able to spread my things out on the dining room table and not worry about putting them away for meals. I ate left-overs all weekend and didn't leave the house. I finished Sylvie's baby book, made a year's worth of birthday cards, and started to edit family movies (daunting!). Of course, with Paul and his needs, it wasn't completely uninterrupted time, but by the end, I was happy to see the girls again and have a little noise in the house. Apparently, J and the girls had fun until the last day when Claire got stung by a jellyfish, but I can't share any pictures because J's hands were too full all weekend to get even one shot!

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