Friday, February 11, 2011

Damnoen Floating Market

 J took Friday off, so we could take a little overnight trip to Kanchanaburi (west of Bangkok near the Burmese border) and see a variety of sights. Shawn's family hired a driver, so we followed his lead and caravanned first to the Damnoen Floating Market. We had heard it was more touristy than authentic, but it was the most convenient for our itinerary,  so we went ahead.

We all got on a rowboat (which luckily we didn't have to row) and started to navigate the canal where vendors sell from their own boats and little stalls on the side. For the first 20 minutes, it was so crowded that we hardly moved at all. In fact, it was hot and stinky from the "speed" boats that were spewing exhaust, and I almost abandoned ship with Paul. But, finally things cleared out a little, and we were able to see some traditional homes and at least enjoy the ride a little more.

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