Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bangkok Sights

Sylvie & Olivia at the Grand Palace

On Saturday, J took Shawn's family and Sylvie to some of the big sights of Bangkok while Claire, Paul and I went to a friend's birthday party.  First they went to the Dusit Zoo and had the classic experience of feeding elephants and other animals. Then they took a water taxi (an experience in itself) across the river to the Grand Palace. Amazing architecture.

Monday, J was back at work, so I took everyone to my favorite tourist spot, the Rose Garden. It is a little bit of a drive, but it is relaxing once you get there. It is a nice showcase of traditional Thai culture, and the gardens are beautiful. The best feature: a cheap, short elephant ride around a paved garden path. Anything more authentic is way too bumpy for me.

The rest of the week, Shawn's family did some shopping, visited Chinatown and bought some Thai silk for Karin. These sound like simple activities, but nothing is simple in Bangkok, especially with kids, so I got the feeling they ended each day exhausted.

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