Friday, February 11, 2011

Tiger Temple

One of the famed sights of Kanchanaburi is a "Tiger Temple." Apparently, monks often take in unwanted animals, and somehow at this temple, they ended up with some tiger cubs whose mothers were poached (or something like that). It grew from there, and now it is a tiger refuge turned tourist attraction. You definitely leave with mixed feelings (like many of the animal attractions in Thailand), but it is so unique, you think you have to do it.

The tigers that you can pet are chained, and you have to go individually with a guide, only during the tigers' nap time. I stayed back with Paul (quite a hefty entrance fee--all for the upkeep of the tigers, I'm sure).  However, we were surprised that even Sylvie was willing to go by herself to pet a tiger. She usually shies away from animals. We got lots of pictures of the girls petting tigers. Try not to judge our sanity as parents. :)

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